Since 1998 National Case has been manufacturing and distributing high quality and cost effective protective case products and services. We consider ourselves a protection service company first that provides case solutions best suited for our customers needs. We specialize in both design and manufacture of rugged and durable protective case products and solutions and service COMMERCIAL AND DEFENCE MARKETS THROUGHOUT NORTH AMERICA. Our dedicated team of case designers, sales and manufacturing staff are committed to providing our valued customers with quality products that PROTECT YOUR EQUIPMENT.
and many more...
Protective Packaging Ratios specific to G-FORCE (Multiple Stress) and TYPICAL DROP HEIGHT (TDH) Protection Ratios are applied to ensure protection of valuable goods is at a premium. All Fabrication is processed in an ISO sensitive arena using state of the art NC Controlled Manufacturing systems.
We use the latest versions of SOLIDWORKS AUTO CAD for complete in house design services.
National Case Co. Inc. is certified under CGP Canadian Controlled Goods Program in accordance with the Canadian Defence Production Act.
For North American dealer support please contact us at 905-696-0016 or email your inquiry to